Saturday 13 August 2011

Symphony Splash and Butchart Garden


In this July, I went to Butchert garden with my friends. That was awesome!! I saw a lot of flowers and trees that was sooooooo beautiful. And so, I saw fireworks too. So, today I’ gonna show that. And I also see Symphony Splash on BC day. I’ll show that movie too.


First I went to Butchart Garden with my older friends who are so kind. At that time, they invite me. So, I get up early and I went  to DT to meet them but it was first time to see a few friends. Although, I was nerves but they were so kind. After that we were already friend!


We could see so nice flowers and trees in the garden as we enter the garden. I made a picture movie. So, you can see.

Butchart Garden’s awesome flowers !

How was it? These were awesome weren’t that? I like this movie.爆笑


And then, I  saw fire works!



Looks like it was blooming on dark sky.



But when I see the fire works, I notice it’s different from Japanese one. What’s the difference between Canada and Japan? The difference people. In japan, we are standing to see fire works and the fire works is more simple. I think both is ok. I also like this style.


1 month after, I went to Symphony Splash on BC day. It was first time but I was surprised because there are so many people to listen symphony music such as all people who lives in Victoria. Of course I listened to the music that was beautiful and pretty sound. I also made movie about this Symphony Splash. So you should listen.

Symphony Splash

I was so impressed as I listened to this. I love symphony! Happy BC DAY


How was it ? This summer was very good experience to me. I wish I can see that again. :3


See ya!

Monday 30 May 2011

My chicken.

I love grilled chicken that was made by my father. That chicken is not special, excellent, great, but this chicken is so delicious to me. My father isn’t good at cooking. It’s not unusual. Basically Japanese men don’t cook. However my father  had to cook because when I was around 7 years old, my mom was sick and went into hospital. So, only my brother and I were left at home. Of course my brother and I had a school. My father had work too. He was busy. He left home early. He came back late night, but sometimes my father came back early. When he came back earlier, he cooked chicken for us. Though he was unused to cooking, he tried hard. And then his first chicken a little burnt, but very very very delicious! when I bite it, the chicken was crisp and spilled gravy. I think that chicken has a lot of love from father because the chicken’s taste was sweet. So, my father wasn’t good at other cooking still now, but his chicken is best in whole world.  

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Victoria Day

Victoria Day is a federal Canadian statutory holiday celebrated on the last Monday before May 25, in honour of Queen Victoria's birthday. from Wiki.

Then, I went to down town to see parade on last Monday. It was awesome. Firstly  I saw navy and army.DSCF0488They are so cool gay. ha-ha (✪‿✪)ノ Then, carriage, marching band and clown. DSCF0516

And so, I saw Mexican dance and Chinese dance.


Both dances are so cool and nice!! Especially Chinese one is very interesting.


This picture is very good one during that day’s picture.



I saw bat man too.He is very fanny.







Some person deal this candy. I like free.




Parade finished at 1:00. Then, I was so hungry. So, I ate noodle box. I ate Thai taste but Thai taste was a little spicy for me.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

My city is FUKUOKA!

I was born in Fukuoka. Fukuoka is part of south Japan. I lived there until this March. so, I’m going to be descriptive about Fukuoka city.


Firstly there is very hot in summer. Sometimes temperature is 35% over! Every year some people get heat exhaustion. But Fukuoka has strong wind. So in winter I feel so cold. I really don’t like this whether. ε-(ーдー) Fukuoka’s whether is vicious. Then Fukuoka has good fruit and rice. It through that whether. Sometimes that climate give blessing to us. So, if you come Fukuoka, you can see a lot of rice field. In fall they become really beautiful because they will be gold. They will change color from green when they ripen.               That view look like golden river.→ 

Well you can see shrine or temple too. Japanese are almost Buddhist. So we have many temples. In summer vacation we have a festival. Temple or shrine become a festival place. That festival are awesome and exciting!

By the way Fukuoka has many buildings too. There are many cars and peoples every day. So, I saw traffic jam often. And so I smelled gas. That’s too bad. I hate it. But I can take bus, train and taxi for smell. It’s very useful. And so that transport come station closely set time. I think that things are better. But it is just side face of Fukuoka. I told about town but if you go to suburb once time,

you can see rice fields and many bicycles. It’s environment- friendly life. I like this style. Well Fukuoka has traditional houses. My home isn’t that buy there are traditional houses around my house. That makes us Japanese.



After all       I LOVE Fukuoka!!


Saturday 21 May 2011


We went to Vancouver on Wednesday and Thursday.


I ate crape! it was awesome. I bought it at this shop.







DSCF0411I ate Japanese noodle! I like it. And I ate ONIGIRI(-^□^-)


I found object! Am I similar ? haha

DSCF0417it was my room. looks like rich!

DSCF0429I was so relax in my room!


And we played bowling!DSCF0436


Next day…

We went to aquarium!

so fun! I saw many jelly fish!DSCF0448DSCF0451

It like tiny one.




It like BIG one.

DSCF0456Then I saw star fish, fish,sea anemone and sea otter!




I touched sea anemone!

soooo funny!





well I ate Chinese food for lunch.

DSCF0476but it was too much. so I was full.

DSCF0480I got them in this trip.




                 GOOD BYE VANCOUVER (。・ω・)ノ゙

Monday 16 May 2011

Tongue twister

  • She Sells Seashells
She sells seashells by the seashore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I’m sure she sells seashore shells.

We went to…

We went to Kayaking on last Saturday.

DSCF0403It was awesome!DSCF0406






Then, today I saw a movie^^


I saw in 3D( ´艸`)

I LOVE3D~ you should see this movie! Victoria has three theaters

you can see movie at ↓




They are very good theater! and so cheap.

Kind of like that

General (14-64) $11.99

Child (3-13) $9.50

Senior (65+) $9.50

3D General (14-64) $14.99

3D Child (3-13) $12.50

3D Senior (65+) $12.50



you should see movie!